Hit and Run Take a Date

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Hit and Run

(2012) - 100 min - R

Annie lives with Charlie, who is in the witness protection program, in a small town. She finds that her "dream" job is available in Los Angeles. Charlie insists on taking her to LA in his souped up 1967 Lincoln Continental.
Kristen Bell, Dak Shepard, Bradley Cooper, Tom Arnold, Beau Bridges, Kristen Chenoweth
Action, Comedy, Romance

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Tear Rating

  • Nudity
  • Obscenities
  • Violent

Chief Chick Comments

Dak Shepherd, Kristen Bell's real life love, plays Charlie Bronson/Yul Perkins who is in witness protection after testifying in a bank robbery trial. He is also a get away driver. There are lots of car chases for the guys. Tom Arnold is pretty funny as are a few situations. The story ends up a bit more complicated than it needed to be. However, Dak Shepard is amazingly charming and much cuter than you initially expect. He is tough but gentle. Not a bad guy to date! In an effort to get Annie to LA for an interview to head a Department at UCLA, he runs into loads of troubles with Annie's former boyfriend as well as his former gang. Entertaining but not a great movie. Something for guys and gals.

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