Fury Take a Date

Chick Rating

Flock Rating


(2014) - 134 min - R

Brad Pitt plays Don "Wardaddy" Collier, the commander of a US Army tank named Fury during World War II in Europe.

Brad Pitt, Shia LaBoeuf
Action, Drama, War

Chick Rating

Star Rating

Fashion Rating

Romance Rating

Comedy Rating

Tear Rating

  • Death/Abuse of a Child
  • Eye Candy
  • Just Too Long
  • Obscenities
  • Violent

Chief Chick Comments

Brad Pitt may be the only reason for a Chick to see this movie. He plays Wardaddy who commands a tank named Fury near the end of World War II in Europe. He has a veteran crew that he has vowed to keep alive. Even though the war is almost over, fury's tank company faces determined resistance from the German Army now fighting on its own soil. When one of the crew of Fury is killed, he is replaced by an Army typist, Norman, who has never the the inside of a tank. Collier must train Norman in the realities of war as he is reluctant to fight. As the tank copany fights through Germany, Norman becomes a valued part of Fury's crew. Even though the war is almost over the fighting is fierce, and the tank company takes heavy losses. Finally, Fury must face one last battle. This is an ok war movie but nothing as good as Von Ryan's Express, Longest Day etc. Certainly, no Saving Private Ryan although the battle sequences are realistic. This review was written by one of our "male" contributors! Thanks

Flock Comments

R January 16, 2015

Rooster liked this flick a little more than the reviewer. Solid, compelling war movie. Brad Pitt is great in his role. Very graphic war violence. You'd have to be a special chick to like it.

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